Additions and Changes
May 28, 1997
- 05/28/97 - after June 5, 1997, this server will no longer function.
Please do not link to any pages or documents on it, as these links will
break. I will make available a new address as soon as possible. Thanks.
- DzM
May 21, 1997
- 05/21/97 - Just making formatting corrections and beginning to sprinkle
photographs throughout the site. Poke around a little. They're not hard
to find.
May 20, 1997
- 05/20/97 - Wow. More changes, and just a day later. I finished adding
the bios (Unfortunatly I do not have any bios for the members of the group
that appeared only on Pogue Mahone... Anyone care to help me with
some?) in the PastPogues section, and fixed
up Philip Chevron's Discography a bit (new entries, plus a couple more
cover scans). Whee...
May 19, 1997
- 05/19/97 - Many things have changed since February that are not listed
here. But they used to be. Honest. Such are the thrills of crashed hard
drives, eh? At any rate, a PastPogues section
was added, and today I added several more bios to it. I also took this
oppotunity to clean up and update the Others
section a little (nothing real exciting, mostly esthetic stuff).
February 7, 1997
- 02/07/97 - Added cover art and production information for two promo
CD5s, Tuesday Morning and Once Upon A Time, to the Singles
February 6, 1997
- 02/06/97 - Nothing to really report. Just a minor change. At the bottom
of the main page one of ten photos will appear instead of one of two. Thanks
go to Nicole Moreau for the photos.
January 29, 1997
- 01/29/97 - More new print stuff. From the Boston
- 01/29/97 - And from the Daily
- 01/29/97 - And two more from the Irish Voice (here
and here).
- 01/29/97 - And a couple from Newsday, here
and here.
- 01/29/97 - And one
from the San Francisco Chronical.
- 01/29/97 - And another one
from the Toronto Star.
- 01/29/97 - And one
from the Vanvouver Sun.
- 01/29/97 - And last, but not least, a strange discussion
between Jem and some git.
January 27, 1997
- 01/27/97 - Added two articles from the LA Times. One from '86, one from '89.
- 01/27/97 - Added an article from People magazine. From '88.
- 01/27/97 - Added a review
of Pogue Mahone from the Irish Voice.
- 01/27/97 - Added some '94
concert hype from the Toronto Star.
- 01/27/97 - And last, but certainly not least, the lyrics to Whiskey, You're the
January 24, 1997
- 01/24/97 - No rest for the wicked or weary. Today's additions are:
- 01/24/97 - Added two new Boston Globe articles, from '96
and '89, respectively.
- 01/24/97 - Added an article
from the Boston Irish Reporter ('96).
- 01/24/97 - Added a Irish Voice review
of one of Shane's '95 concerts.
- 01/24/97 - Added a San Diego Union-Tribune review
of Peace and Love.
- 01/24/97 - I've got five more coming real soon. Come back. Really.
January 23, 1997
- 01/23/97 - Many, many additions. They are (as of 1pm Pacific Time):
- 01/23/97 - Added cover art and track listings for two bootlegs.
- 01/23/97 - Simplified the Singles
layout quite a bit, and added an entry for the Miss Otis Regrets single
and cover art were also added).
- 01/23/97 - Added the European cover art for If
I Should Fall From Grace With God.
- 01/23/97 - Added the correct cover art for the Haunted single.
- 01/23/97 - Added the cover art for the Red, Hot + Blue Cole Porter
tribute to the Related section.
- 01/23/97 - Added the lyrics for Rake
at the Gates of Hell and Every
Man is a King.
January 14, 1997
- 01/14/97 - Added a Boston Globe article
from 1991.
January 2, 1997
- 01/02/97 - A minor addition, and some large chages to the Others section
to start our the new year.
- 01/02/97 - I added a small bit of trivia to the bottom of the Fairytale of New York
lyrics page. Now please, stop asking me this question (Three times in one
week! Argh!).
- 01/02/97 - Removed a lot of old links from the Others
section, and added a good number of places to buy stuff.
December 31, 1996
- 12/31/96 - OK, so I lied. Dec. 20 was not the last update for the year.
But before I tell you what small changes were made, let me quickly wish
all of you a very happy New Year, and a successful 1997.
- 12/31/96 - In a fit of having to screw around with things (and play
with my new upgrade to Photoshop), I've made minor adjustments to the Masthead
graphic on the main page. It is now smaller by about 1k (Ooo. Down to 76k.
Wow.) and has a couple of "exciting and dynamic 3-D elements."
I've also adjusted the brightness and contrast on the Medusa part of the
graphic so that it (hopefully) won't appear so dark to Windows users.
- 12/31/96 - The band that James McNally has been working with, Afro
Celts, has released their first album. I added a link to some information
regarding that album to the main page.
- 12/31/96 - The hKippers, one of the bands that Andrew Rankin
has been working with (fronted by Paul Bradley, who plays Nigel on Eastenders),
has released their first CD. While I can't find any info about them, their
PR person swears that there will soon be info at their web
- 12/31/96 - There has been more clues added to the ever-expanding Muirsheen Dirken
mystery, and a brief debate began regarding the meaning of "rapparee"
(from Young
Ned of the Hill).
December 20, 1996
- 12/20/96 - This will probably be the last update for this year, so
let me take this opportunity to wish one and all a very happy holiday season
and upcoming New Year.
- 12/20/96 - Added three new articles to the InPrint section; an interview
with James Fearnley from
the Toronto Star, an interview with Spider
Stacy from the Boston Globe, and an interview with Shane
MacGowan from the New York Times. Great big wadges of thanks go to
Adrian Leach for helping me convert these (and many more upcoming articles)
into HTML.
December 10, 1996
- 12/10/96 - Got a new version of the web server software that includes
support for Server Side Includes (SSIs), so I've begun screwing with things
to make them a little more dynamic. The most obvious use of this (so far)
is on the main page. Go back to it, hit your Reload button, and watch the
You Should Buy This section... Pretty spiffy, eh?
- 12/10/96 - Added a couple more sites to the Others
section. They are, in order: Laurence
Clark's page, Tam's
page, and the Warner Brothers Shane
MacGowan page. Go forth a visit them, and make their authors glow with
pride when you send them email!
November 27, 1996
- 11/27/96 - It's been quite a while since I've updated anything. Sorry
'bout that. Lots of business traveling over the last month (And what did
I learn? "Never, ever, go to Comdex."). In the midst of all this,
a bad link was spotted on the Singles
page (and on the A
Pair of Brown Eyes page) that prevented people from seeing the cover art for
the A Pair of Brown Eyes single. It's now been fixed. Thanks to Coops'
for pointing it out.
October 17, 1996
- 10/17/96 - This is a big day here in the Bay Area of Northern California.
Seven years ago, at 5:04pm, we had a 7.1 magnitude earthquake (some of
you may have heard about it on the news). Unfortunately today's additions
and changes have nothing to do with that event. After all, I would hardly
call adding the year of production (along with the label and catalogue
number) for Shane's Interview single momentous. I also am a little leary
to call cover art, track list, and production info for another Bootleg "earth shattering."
But I digress...
October 14, 1996
- 10/14/96 - Shane had an interview with "French Television"
back in the '80s. Now we know what the single with the the interview looks
October 8, 1996
- 10/08/96 - Several people help to clear up the Muirshin
Durkin mystery.
- 10/08/96 - Adrian Leach helps us to further understand the Lost Verse
of the Boat
October 4, 1996
- 10/04/96 - The
Wild Rover finds the words to express himself.
- 10/04/96 - Paul Pendall and I have become very curious about what a
Muirshin Durkin
September 17, 1996
September 16, 1996
- 09/16/96 - Added some Poop
to be shoveled.
- 09/16/96 - The Santa Rosa Oak Leaf had something to say about the Pogues sans Onscenities [sic].
- 09/16/96 - A young Canadian fiddle player gets likened to the Pogues'
early days while he fiddles with
- 09/16/96 - Spider Stacey also took this opportunity to drawl
on a bit about Shane.
September 13, 1996
September 9, 1996
- 09/09/96 - Owie. I was in a bike wreck on Friday ("Yeah, OK, so
I can't walk without crutches. But you should see the Fire Hydrant.").
On the plus side, this is giving me a little time to work on Medusa.
- 09/09/96 - I've added some more links to the Others
- 09/09/96 - I've added a new interpretation of the "bonus"
verse in Boat
- 09/09/96 - In another fit of having to screw with things, I replaced
the clickable imagemap image with a smaller (data-wise) imagemap (plus,
I think it looks kinda' cool).
August 28, 1996
- 08/28/96 - Too many small little changes to mention. However, I did
add two new Pogue Mahone reviews.
August 8, 1996
- 08/08/96 - Began implementing the PastPogues section (original name
was going to be PostPogues, but this section is intended to be a complete
reference to the members of the band before and after, not just after).
The first, somewhat incomplete, entry is for Jamie
Clarke (he specifically requested it).
July 29, 1996
- 07/29/96 - Many, many small changes over the last several weeks. Amongst
them: Completely reworked the organization of the pictures directory, lyrics
directories, and discography directories. Hopefully this is transparent
to everyone, but if you find a broken link, please let me know.
- 07/29/96 - Added a Video
section to the discography, along with cover art for Live at the Town
and Country.
July 12, 1996
- 07/12/96 - Added cover art for the promotional release Thousands
are Sailing, plus I removed the Promotional section from the Discography and rolled it into the
Singles section (well, there
was only one entry).
July 8, 1996
- 07/08/96 - Received information from Jem Finer regarding the impending
"mothballing" of the Pogues. Not without sadness, the Pogues'
final tour dates and the news regarding the hiatus was posted to the main
page for this site and to,, and
July 3, 1996
June 28, 1996
- 06/28/96 - Finished adding the .WAV files. Am now back to sitting on
my lazy bum. (If you're one of the kind people that sent me Discography
updates in the last month, I haven't forgotten about you. I will add the
updates/corrections soon.)
- 06/28/96 - Decided "what the hell" and added a background
image to all the pages.
- 06/28/96 - Replaced the imagemap/footer on all the pages with a more
legible (and smaller to download) image.
May 24, 1996
- 05/24/96 - Finally got off my lazy bum and started adding .WAV sound
files. On average, the files are 640k and are the first thirty seconds
of a song (some are longer to accommodate lyrics, etc).
- 05/24/96 - Added some historicle information about La Radeu de la
Medusa, the painting that was used as the cover for Rum, Sodomy,
& The Lash and inspired the song "The
Wake of the Medusa" from Hell's Ditch (and also inspired
the name of this site).
May 3, 1996
- 05/03/96 - Removed US Tour information from the main page (well, the
tour is over).
- 05/03/96 - Finished adding all known links (over 90 of them) to the
Others page.
April 19, 1996
- 04/19/96 - Rearranged, and added several articles to, the Pogues In Print section.
March 20, 1996
- 03/20/96 - Finished re-working the main parts of the site (changing
background color to white, fixing inconsistencies in linked graphics, removing
the multiple buttons in the footer with a much more easily maintained clickable
imagemap, etc.). The PogueSwap ads will
remain in the old format for a while longer.
February 9, 1996
- 02/09/96 - Added to Pointcom's
"Top 5% of the Web" lists.
January 19, 1996
January 15, 1996
- 01/15/96 - Selected as the Cool Music Site of the Week by CDNow's
Cool Music page.
December 20, 1995
- 12/20/95 - Replaced old cliché graphics with new, larger cliché
graphics (for those of you on slower connections, deal with it).
December 4, 1995
- 12/04/95 - Added a "PogueSwap"
area for people to buy and sell Pogues related merchandise.
November 8, 1995
- 11/08/95 - Added an article/interview with Shane
MacGowan from the Friends of Shane newsletter.
November 7, 1995
- 11/07/95 - Added an article/interview with Shane
MacGowan from loaded magazine.
October 25, 1995
- 10/25/95 - Added cover art, track list, and lyrics for the new Pogues
release, Pogue Mahone.
- 10/25/95 - Added cover art, track list, and lyrics for the new Pogues
release, How Come.
October 20, 1995
- 10/20/95 - Added an "in print"
section with several articles about (or relating to) the Pogues.
 Your intrepid maintainer is DzM.