Pogue Mahone Reviews

A whole slew of Pogue Mahone reviews.
Yesterday's Men (1995, The Irish Voice)
Pogue Mahone (1995, The Vancouver Sun)
Pogues Bio (1996, Mesa/Bluemoon)
The Pogues: On Their Own (1996, The Boston Globe)
Poguemahone (1996, Los Angeles Times)
A Conversation with Darryl Hunt (1996, Good Times (San Diego))
English and Irish Insolence (Interview with Darryl Hunt) (1996, Suburban & Wayne Times)
"Pogues Mahone" [sic] (1996, Justice (Brandeis Univeristy))
Irish Music (1996, Lansing Times, Calumet Times, Times)
Magically Delicious (1996, The Daily Cougar (Houston University))
The Pogues: One for the Cheek(s) (1996, The Island Ear)
Erin Go Blah (1996, The Columbia Spectator)
Catchy Tunes, Inspired Singing (1996, Scripps Howard News Service/Courier Times Wire service)
RockNet Reviews Pogue Mahone (1996, RockNet)
POGUE MAHONE: The Pogues (1996, USC Gamecock)
Scotts On Sound on... (1996, New Jersey Online)
The Pogues Sans Onscenity [sic] (1996, The Santa Rosa Oak Leaf)
Furry Pogues (1996, Drop-D Magazine)

Your intrepid maintainer is DzM.